High Quality Medical Transcription services India
High Quality Medical Transcription services India
October 7th, 2019   By voicecription

Voicecription has a proven record of producing accurate and High Quality Medical Transcription services in India. We follow some very simple methodologies to ensure that our work meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy.

Our team of medical transcriptionists start with a complete picture of work involved in the entire transcription project; and the team is selected strongly on the basis of language and subject matter understanding.

  • The transcriptionists take care to listen to the whole audio first before attempting to transcribe.
  • They transcribe slowly and carefully line by line and usually do that by listening to the whole sentence first instead of hearing only partial sentence where you can miss out on the actual context and might misinterpret single word or idea.
  • The medical transcriptionists of Voicecription give more emphasis on accuracy rather than speed. The transcriptionists are all experienced and have practised over years to have developed speed and accuracy. Here, the precious time waste occurring due to re-doing or re-typing a sentence or paragraph is saved which enable on-time delivery of big projects.
  • Voicecription is a team of transcriptionists who are adept at language skills. Thus they can write fluently with correct grammar without having to think long to churn out meaningful sentences.
  • We also encourage our team to develop and improve typing skills that saves on delivery time. The transcriptionists are also well acquainted with the lingo, the medical terminologies, abbreviations, medical practice and knowledge of medicine and medical treatments.
  • We also conduct a thorough proofreading that does not only involve a complete language and meaning check, it also checks for the correct usage of all medical terms to avoid wrong diagnosis and treatment in the future.
  • Factual accuracy is another aspect that Voicecription takes into consideration to build a state-of-the-art medical transcription platform.

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