Documenting your Business Meetings – A Great Idea!
Documenting your Business Meetings – A Great Idea!
May 24th, 2014   By voicecription

Conferences, discussions, seminars, meetings, tele-conferences, are a part and parcel of all businesses. Whether it is a director level meeting, involving the promoters of a company or a technical discussion involving engineers, project heads etc, many points are raised in many meetings that aren’t recorded or noted down. Though considered trivial points during the meeting/conference, many of these points are great ideas that can be worked on and taken forward. As such, first of all it is imperative that all such conferences, meetings, seminars etc must be recorded, so that the contributions of each of the participants can be traced later on, if need be.

However, now, we have, let’s say an audio/video recording of 2 hours, within which we need to find out a one-liner spoken from one out of many participants. This seems like a daunting task, as scrolling through the entire audio file might not be as easy and interesting! Thus arises the need for transcription of the audio/video file. In simple words, transcription involves documenting the speech in an audio into a text format. Now, if we have a business transcript for a conference, we can easily scroll, search for any particular timeline and/or print the script and circulate for easy reference.

Thus, the need for business transcription company in India is growing at a fast pace. Many international businesses are outsourcing their transcription service requirements to Indian transcription companies for cost and quality advantages. Needless to say, quality and accuracy are two parameters that are of paramount importance.

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